Kali Linux 2022.2 Released – Added 10 New Software

Kali Linux 2022.2 Released - Added 10 New Software
(Last Updated On: July 24, 2022)

kali Linux 2022 adds its new version for this year.

Kali Linux 2022.2 with major updates has been released by Offensive Security and released with ten new various software.

It is one of the most popular platforms for ethical hackers and penetration testers.

The summary of the changelog since the 2022.1 release from February 2022 is:

  • GNOME 42 – Major release update of the popular desktop environment
  • KDE Plasma 5.24 – Version bump with a more polished experience
  • Multiple desktop enhancements – Disabled motherboard beep on Xfce, alternative panel layout for ARM, better support for
  • VirtualBox shared folders, and lots more
  • Tweaks for the terminal – Enhanced Zsh syntax-highlighting, inclusion of Python3-pip and Python3-virtualenv by default
  • April fools – Hollywood mode – Awesome screensaver
  • Kali Unkaputtbar – BTRFS snapshot support for Kali
  • Win-KeX 3.1 – sudo support for GUI apps
  • WPS attacks in Kali NetHunter – Added WPS attacks tab to the NetHunter app

Tweaks for the Terminal

  • Small changes to the Zsh syntax-highlighting colours to improving legibility.
  • python3-pip and python3-virtualenv are now included by default Kali installations.
  • Added shell autocompletion for John The Ripper.
  • All …2john tools (zip2john, 7z2john, pdf2john, etc.) can now be called directly by just typing their name, no need to cd /usr/share/john/ first.
  • Resource packages (wordlists, windows-resources, powersploit, etc.) now show a much clearer output with colours differentiating the type of file or directory:

Kali Unkaputtbar (New)

Last March we introduced the official support for BTRFS snapshotting in Kali Linux. We call it Kali Unkaputtbar! Sounds great, doesn’t it!

Unkaputtbar brings Virtual Machines’ (VMs’) snapshot feature to bare-metal and injects some steroids.

Have you ever wished you could travel back in time after deleting that important customer report or after installing a broken driver (Nvidia?) just before heading into a board meeting? Well, you’d better read on, because now you can!


  • Boot snapshot
  • Diff snapshots
  • Browse snapshots
  • Additional automatic snapshots

For more information, here you have all the documentation for BTRFS Installation.

btrfs is a modern Copy on Write (CoW) filesystem for Linux aimed at implementing advanced features such as pooling, snapshots, checksums, and integrated multi-device spanning.

Virtualization solutions such as VMWare and Virtualbox provide their own snapshotting functionality and using btrfs in those environments is not really required.

Win-KeX 3.1

This update eliminates a restriction preventing GUI application from being run as root. Now you can start any GUI application with sudo, e.g.

VirtualBox Shared Folder Support

If you are using VirtualBox, when a user account is created, it is now automatically added to the vboxsf group by default. This means if you are using VirtualBox, there is now one less step if you want to use shared folders.

New Software added in Kali 2022.2

It would not be a Kali release if there were not any new tools added! A quick run down of what has been added (to the network repositories):

  • BruteShark – Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT)
  • Evil-WinRM – Ultimate WinRM shell
  • Hakrawler – Web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints and assets
  • Httpx – Fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit
  • LAPSDumper – Dumps LAPS passwords
  • PhpSploit – Stealth post-exploitation framework
  • PEDump – Dump Win32 executable files
  • SentryPeer – SIP peer-to-peer honeypot for VoIP
  • Sparrow-wifi – Graphical Wi-Fi Analyzer for Linux
  • wifipumpkin3 – Powerful framework for rogue access points

Kali ARM Updates

Raspberry Pi:

  • Bump kernel to 5.10.103
  • Bluetooth is fixed, for real this time
  • Wi-Fi firmware now uses 7.45.206 by default instead of 7.45.154, with nexmon patches applied
  • Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W is now supported by nexmon
  • Improvements to the wpa_supplicant.conf handling
  • Kernel has NVME support built in, instead of module, so Raspberry Pi Compute Modules that use NVMe for their root device will work out of the box
  • The Raspberry Pi userland is now packaged up for ARM64 instead of built manually at image creation

Download Kali Linux 2022.2

If you are planning fresh install then Get Kali here

For Existing Installs: If you already have an existing Kali Linux installation, remember you can always do a quick update:

└─$ echo "deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list

└─$ sudo apt update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade

└─$ [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] && sudo reboot -f

You should now be on Kali Linux 2022.2 You can follow the steps:

└─$ grep VERSION /etc/os-release

└─$ uname -v
#1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 5.16.18-1kali1 (2022-04-01)

└─$ uname -r

NOTE: The output of uname -r may be different depending on the system architecture.


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