14 Best Open Source WYSIWYG HTML Editors

14 Best Open Source WYSIWYG HTML Editors

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors are self-explanatory. Whatever you see when editing is what you, a reader/user see.

Whether you want to build your content management system, or aim to provide an editor to the end-user of your application, an open-source WYSIWYG editor will help provide a secure, modern, and scalable experience. Of course, you also get the technical freedom to customize open-source WYSIWYG editors to meet your requirements.

Here, we look at some of the best open-source WYSIWYG editors.

Things to Look For When Choosing a WYSIWYG HTML Editor

best open source wysiwyg editors

A document editor must be fast for some users and loaded with features.

Similarly, what are some of the key highlights that you should look at when selecting an HTML editor? Let me give you some pointers here:

  • Is the editor lightweight?
  • Does it have SEO-friendly features?
  • How well does it let you collaborate?
  • Does it offer auto-save functionality?
  • Can you check spelling and grammar with it?
  • How well does it handle images/galleries?

When selecting an open-source HTML editor for your app or website, you should look for these essential aspects.

Keeping these in mind, let me mention some of the best options to try.

Note: The editors are in no particular order of ranking. You may choose the best for your use case.


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